Important Update: Changes to PAN Verification Process for EVERSIGN DSC Customers

Dear EVERSIGN Customers,

We wish to bring to your attention an important update regarding the PAN verification process, effective April 30, 2024. It’s essential to note that CAs (Certifying Authorities) such as eMudhra, XtraTrust, Pantasign, and others will now be required to adhere to revised guidelines from the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA), Government of India.

Here are the key points to be aware of:

  1. Changes for Individual DSC Applications: For individual DSC applications where PAN is mandatory, the following four criteria must exactly match the details on the Income Tax portal:
    • PAN
    • Name on PAN
    • Date of Birth (DOB)
    • Aadhaar seeding status (Aadhaar number linked with PAN)
  2. Changes for Organization DSC/Quick Organization DSC Applications: For organization DSC applications (Company, Partnership, LLP, AOP/BOI, Bank, and NGO/Trust), the following three criteria must exactly match with the details on the Income Tax portal:
    • Organization PAN
    • Name on PAN (Organization name)
    • Incorporation Date
  3. Changes for Organization DSC (Government/PSU) Applications: Specifically for Government/PSU DSC applications, the following criteria must match with the details on the Income Tax portal:
    • Organization PAN (Optional)
    • Name on PAN (Organization Name)
    • Incorporation date (Optional, dependent on PAN)
  4. Changes for Organization DSC (Proprietorship) Applications: Specifically for proprietorship DSC applications, the following criteria must match with the details on the Income Tax portal:
    • PAN (Individual)
    • Name on PAN (Individual Name)
    • Incorporation date / DOB (DOB to be entered)
    • Aadhaar seeding status (Aadhaar number linked with PAN)
  5. Special Cases – PAN Optional: In cases of Foreign Individual/Foreign Organization/ and all PAN optional cases:
    • If PAN is entered in the optional field, the same validations as mentioned above apply, and details must exactly match those on the Income Tax portal.
    • If PAN is not entered in the optional field, no PAN-related validations will occur.

Please note that if the response from the Income Tax Department is ‘NO’, the issuance of the DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) cannot proceed, as per IVG Point No. 1.9(1).

As outlined in the CCA-IVG Guidelines dated April 1, 2024, section 1.9 PAN specifies:

“CA shall electronically verify the PAN number through the eKYC service provided by the Income Tax Department and accept only if the verification is successful, the name of the PAN holder and Date of Birth match, and also the Aadhaar seeding status is operative. CA shall preserve the proof of verification with their digital signature.”

These changes are significant and aim to ensure compliance with the latest regulatory requirements.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and encourage your cooperation in ensuring compliance with these directives for all DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) applications processed through EVERSIGN.

Should you have any concerns or queries regarding this update, our dedicated support team is always at your service.

Thank you for your continued trust in EVERSIGN, and we look forward to serving you with the same zeal and commitment.

Warm Regards,


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